Friday, July 9, 2010

In the land of clogs and windmills

Holland is awesome! We got here right before the Holland/Uruguay match, so as soon as we dumped our stuff at Rens and Anjas we settled in to watch the game. At half time we walked over to town and watched the Dutchies whip the Uruguayans' butts :D It was insane, there was orange everywhere, people were getting thrown into canals, someone set off a flare at a pub... I wonder what it will be like on Sunday!

The next day we had a nice quiet day to settle in - we went to Alkmaar town where I made Stacy eat a lot... Hema worst, haring, pancakes, kroket, etc.
It was a really nice day of just chilling out and being with family.

On the 8th my cousin Sjaak (dad's side of the family) was coming over to Alkmaar, but instead we met him in Amsterdam, where we picked up our mission from 2 years before... to find that I AMSTERDAM sign!!! Finally we found it! And we found the big clog to sit in, and we had a wander through the Vondelpark (no vondeling!).

Today we went with Denice into Alkmaar to see the Kaasmarkt, and made stacy eat a zakje patat met fritesaus (chips and mayo for all you non-dutchies), cheese and poffertjes (not together!). I know I'm being short with words, I'm just tired, so hopefully the pics make up for it. Tonight we have a bbq with the whole family, so that'll be awesome :D

Anyway, I am going to go make fruit salad

til later!



  1. Hi, you guys timed it perfectly, no better time to be in Holland than now. It's gonna be crazy if they win the world cup. Its great that Stacy also has a chance to meet Laura's family.

    Love to you both and take care.

    Debbie and Steven xoxo

  2. OMG I so want to be there! You found the I Amsterdam sign!!!!! I remember going all over Amsterdam on that mission LOL :P Denice really looks like you at that age. Glad you got all the Dutch stereotype stuff out of the way on the first few days (Stacy you'll have to run around the block several times to work it all off). Guess what, I saw Fristi here in the supermarket in Cambodia!

    Gonna watch the world cup on Sunday... Hup Holland! Make sure you get lots of photos of the orange madness in Alkmaar :)

  3. The I Amsterdam pics are brilliant! Are there steps to climb up behind the letters or was there some serious climbing behind the scenes?

  4. serious climbing my friend... one of my cousins got stuck up on the T hahaha
