Monday, July 26, 2010

a biking odyssey and a phone book

argh! I cant even begin, I don't know how to cram so may days into one blog, so here goes the abridged version:

we biked, hitting haarlem, den haag, delft, rotterdam, gouda, utrecht, veenendaal, apeldoorn, meppel, denekamp, oldenzaal, hengelo, with only a couple of train rides in there! here are some pics:

It was so great, we borrowed a couple of bikes from Anja's dad, and kind of just winged it, hoping that we'd end up in the right place and it worked out pretty well!

We finally made it to Denekamp, to Tante Paulien's place, and we had a BBQ with them and with Tante Marietje and Oom Jos, and we all went over to Rob's new place (my cousin) to check it out.

the next morning Rob came around with Sieb, who is nearly 2... check out that hair! he's such a cutie!

the next day we went to Oldenzaal to see Toon, my uncle, who showed us around Oldenzaal, and then cooked us dinner, and then we went on to Hengelo, to my aunt Annie.

Poor Stacy has to try and remember all the names! Here are some pics of the last week. We've done a tour of Enschede, where there was a massive explosion at the fireworks factory around 10 years ago, which demolished the city centre, gone to the Grolsch factory for a tour, checked out Hengelo and Enschede, and biked around Giethoorn.

(before you ask Tersh, the kid is my cousin Michiel's baby)

And something I thought was pretty special - this is my family - the Weerninks in Rossum (as per the KPN phonebook lol)

once i hit egypt ill do a better job of keeping up to date. til next time!

xx Laura


  1. WOW look at all those Weerninks in the phone book!!! That is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time :D

  2. ik neem mijn petje af voor jou en Stacy ( very proud of) for clocking so many kilo meters on the bikes! Sore buttocks ? Ja, the Weerninks,they are a loving and generous bunch of people,not unlike the v. Veldens and the Lies!! Enjoy your last 2 days in Holland. Tears ,let them come,is good Laura. xx,love you and Stacy,Mum

  3. thanks for the update, I am so happy that Stacy got to meet Laura's wonderful family. At least you're staying fit with all that pedalling, the weather looks just right for it.

    Enjoy the next part of your journey. Love you both and take care xoxo

    Mum and dad
