Tuesday, May 25, 2010

how do I get to triangle A circle-with-line-through-it N H?

Wow, so after a full day's travelling we finally made it to Athens!! It's been a while since I updated, so let me dust off my typing fingers!

firstly thanks for all the comments! Its good to know I'm not just blathering off into the ether, and that someone's reading this!

secondly... South Africa... *wipes away a tear*
We did so much stuff! I cant really talk about everything or we'd all be here for days, but here are a few pics to summarise:

And the highlight (apart from hanging out with family of course :D) was going shark cage diving with Stace and Gail!!! It was so amazing! I definitely want to give it another go!

The whole time in South Africa was so amazing, I cant do it justice with words, but I will definitely be going back!

Thanks to everyone over there who made us feel so welcome and took us out and showed us around! We really appreciate it!

I promise I will write a better blog next time, but my brain is frazzled!

xx Laura


  1. Lieve Laura and Stacy,
    Finally in Athens.Now you are closer to me ! Beautiful pictures. Breathtaking sharks. Were you scare? If one wet his/her pants,no one can tell. Looking through your eyes and stories S.A. is a must for us to visit too. Stacys fam. in Capetown, a big thank you for welcoming Laura so warmly in your extended family. love, mum

  2. Hi Laura and Stacy, thanks for the great update. The Cape Town pics are amazing, those sharks look mean. Thanks for this update, can't wait for the next one. Enjoy your stay in Athens and take care.

    Love mum and dad xx

  3. Dear Laura and Stacy, we follow you on your travels by reading your amazing stories. What a great adventure!
    Thanks for all this entertainment (we don't need to watch the travel channel) and keep up the writing, we enjoy it very much.
    Love from down-under,
    Anneke and Henk van Helsdingen

  4. Dear Laura and Stacy What an amazing trip you two are making. Danielle and I have been reading your stories and admiring your fantastic photos.How brave that you swam with the sharks!!We will be reading all your adventures. Danielle says she's jealous!!
    With love from the Buitendijks
