Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nihon : Osaka - Kyoto

It's been so long since I wrote, where do I start?

We got to Miyajima after Hiroshima (we didnt stay in Hiroshima long because it was pouring down), and checked into our hostel. We met a NZ school group passing through!!! It was hilarious, their teacher made them recite Maori songs to prepare for their homestays, in the common room, in front of everyone (they were around 14 - 17 years old). We went to Miyajima island inthe afternoon, and it was packed with people, and the tide was low. There were heaps of museums and things to go to, and the atmosphere was just awesome. There were wild deer just roaming around, stealing and eating people's maps and things. We walked down to the torii gates and walked through them (supposedly good luck).

We went to so many temples up there, but unfortunately the weather was a bit crap, so we didnt go up the top of the mountain to the shrines up there. The next day we went back EARLY in the morning, and we got there before all the crowds got in. Luckily we managed to get to the Utsukushima Shrine when almost no one else was around, and the tide was pretty high, so it looked like the shrine was floating, and we had perfect, tourist-free shots of the floating torii!

It was such an amazing place, and wihtout the crowds of people its so peaceful and calm. It was still rainy and cloudy, so we didnt go up the mountain again. We caught the train to Kyoto and just had an evening chilling out.

The next day we met Tomoko-san, our guide from Kyoto Free Guides, at the Kyoto Station. We went to Fushimi Inarii and to a Zen temple, before heading back to the hostel to pick up May Lee. The temples were absolutely amazing! At Fushimi Inarii we saw a Shinto Priest doing a ritual for a man, and went for a brief walk around the torii gates. The zen temple was so serene it was amazing. The size of the zen garden was a surprise, and they re-do the stones every couple of days!

After that we met up with May Lee and carried on to Sanjusangen-do temple and the Kiyomizu temple, and Yasaka Shrine. Sanjusangen-do temple has a thousand buddha images in the longest room you have ever seen! In olden times they would hold archery competitions outside the hall, and sometimes these days women/girls of around 20 years old will do an archery competition in full costume/outfit.

The Kiyomizu Shrine is just amazing, definitely one of my most favourite places! It's high on a hill and there are balconies that hang over the edge. The views are breathtaking! Its hard to explain just how beautiful all the shrines and temples are in Japan!

There was a section where if you walked from one rock to another with your eyes closed you would be lucky in love/happy in your relationship. I managed to do it and bash into only one person!! There were so many people there!!!

We walked through all the backstreets to the Yasaka Shrine, which was pretty amazing. Just going through the little streets with so many stores and people was great, it was so cute! There were lots of foreigners dressing up in kimono and as Maiko/Geisha.

We ended up at the Yasaka shrine and had a look around. After that we went to the Nishiki Food Market and Tomoko-san explained all the crazy food we saw. We even ate a little octopus with a quail egg stuffed into it's head!! There were lots of fish and tentacles around!

We then said goodbye to Tomoko-san as she had to go. We were very lucky to have Tomoko-san showing us around, and it helped so much to have someone explain what everything meant, and what was allowed and not allowed in temples etc. It was a great experience! Thanks Tomoko-san!!

The next day we hired bikes and headed back to Fushimi Inarii with May Lee (she hadnt been there yet) and we took a walk around the top, where the torii gates just go on forever. Fushimi Inarii is one of my top sights for Kyoto (the other is Kiyomizu). At the bottom we saw a shop selling grilled SPARROW! So of course we had to buy one! You eat it bones and all... including the head and beak!!! I ate the body and Stacy ate the head!! It was actually really tasty!

We then had to go to Bic Camera because.........

My camera broke! Its only a few months old as well!! Goodbye $400!! *sigh* so now I have a new camera. Its a nice one, but it still sucks! We then went to Nijo Castle, which was a little bit of a let down because I was expecting a big stone castle. But they had a nightingale floor which was spooky - it really sounds like birds!!!

The next day we ended up going to this local market at a shrine, which was really cool, there are a lot of talented people here... most of their stuff is homemade - jewellery, clothes, cards, art, etc. We then went to the Silver Pavillion (Ginkakuji) which was really beautiful. The garden there is really well planned out and so GREEN!

We had an appointment to dress up as Maiko in the Kiyomizu area, so we shopped around there and then got dressed up!! It was the weirdest thing ever! They get you to put on this practically see through shift, then slather on this make up and get you to go pick your kimono. It's practically a production line! They also have these massive wigs which are super heavy! Me and May Lee dressed as Maiko, while Stacy dressed as a samurai. Me and May Lee's plan included a half an hour walk around the area, which was a crack up, everyone wanted pictures with us!!

After we managed to get off the makeup (with baby oil! All over the face!!) we had a bit of a shop around and then went to Gion Corner and saw some geishas (actually Maiko, apprentice Geishas). Man they move fast! You feel a bit stink taking pictures of them, epecially after dressing up as one and having people follow you around trying to take pictures and getting right in your face taking pictures!

Today we're going to Nara to see Buddhas and Deer!
see u
xx Laura


  1. Hi Laura, beautiful and entertaining update. Keep up the good work.
    Cheers - Dad

  2. very brave,Laura and Stacy,for trying fried sparrows and b.b.q. octopus !! i love the "floating temples" It must have been fun dressing up as Maiko and Samurai. May Lee and you do have the split eyes already! You looks beautiful. Thanks for your update, mum

  3. Wonderful pictures of the geisha girls and the samurai!!! Why are you painted in the neck? Great and beautiful update.
    We read it with pleasure.Thanks!!!

    Nico en Wendy

  4. thank you for this wonderful update, you all look amazing dressed up as as geisha girls and samurai. The photo's and the story is great. You were brave eating octopus and sparrow, not sure if i could do that.
    Can't wait for the next update.

  5. Hello, I enjoyed the time with you in Kyoto. I am happy to see you in MAIKO kimono! However, Maikosans don't hold such a pose.(^^;

    Keep enjoying your trip!!
