Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mr Fujimoto

The funniest evening so far:

Were eating dinner when this old man comes in (we call him Mr fujimoto) with this friend (Kaizen) who speaks like hes in the japanese mafia and smokes 50 packets a day... Mr Fujimoto gets tipsy and then demands that we drink with him, and gets the bar tender to pour us a giant glass of japanese vodka each. He then questions us in japanese, which im trying to decipher (getting better! kind of) and when we dont understand, he just repeats himself louder. By now his speech is getting a bit slurred. Kaizen sits in the corner and comments a little. He's said "Japanese memories" a couple of times, but the rest is Japanese. He nods a lot and chuckles at most of the things Mr Fujimoto says. He also laughs when we obviously dont know what Mr Fujimoto is talking about. The bartender is also commenting, but his english is minimal and he cant translate for us. Mr Fujimoto is now telling us to drink up fast so he can pour us another one. We're saying noooooo, but as soon as our glasses are finished he gets the barkeep to pour again. The barkeep does a sneaky im-pouring-water-but-pretending-it's-vodka, and we drink and pretend that its super strong. He keeps asking us questions that we dont understand, and after about 20 mins, we finally come to the conclusion that he's asking us where Nyuu Jirando is... which means I then have to draw a wobbly map of the world and point out where we are. He keeps questioning us, not quite understanding that our Japanese vocabulary is about 20 words long, and mostly consists of "toilet" and food related words. We sneakily pay the bartender and get ready to leave. We ask Mr Fujimoto if we can get a picture with him and he gets all shy and says no. Kaizen comments "muh muh muh Japanese Memories" and chuckled to himself, but Mr Fujimoto is still too shy for a photo. With a big Arigato we leave the bar.


  1. That was awesome!!! :D You should have asked him where the toilet was :P

  2. omg it was hilarious! We figured out he was saying where are you from, and I was like ohhh Nyuu Jirando desu! and Mr Fuijimoto and Kaizen sat in the corner discussing it excitedly, when I think Mr Fujimoto realised he didnt know where NZ was LOL

  3. wish I could have seen your must have been so funny ;D
